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Sunday, April 22, 2012

Turning Up the Heat

    I really enjoyed the snow during the winter and now that it is spring I am loving the sun and heat!    With the season change also comes changes in my treatment.  The spirochetes continue to look for weakness in my body and want to take over as much as they can.  The spirochetes are also tricky lil buggers, so we've got to outwit them.  I had another doctor appointment last week and after a hour of questions and tests, it was decided to turn up the heat.  I was told it HAS to get worse before it gets better so these next 2 months will be rougher than the last 2.  At least I get to have my treatments at home!  
     I am staying on the same 2 prescription antibiotics (just doubling the dose of one) and 5 herbal antibiotics.  Then I am beginning another prescription and 2 more herbal antibiotics. 
     It hurts to kill off the Lyme & co-infections.  All kinds of strange, annoying, and painful symptoms come up.  My mouth has tasted like metal for a week, my sleep has much disturbance the , off and on sore throat and swollen glands and for a whole week for the last few months I will feel as though I just got whiplash.  I also have overall weakness.  I just went out in the beautiful sunshine with my dog for a walk and had to turn back after 5 minutes.  Those were some calm, painful, enjoyable minutes. 
      The way I look at it is this is the part of my life that is my struggle, everyone has something.  I am where I am supposed to be...healing.  Reaching goals is not easy, it is work.  My goal is 3 years to heal (doctor said 3-5 years) so I have another 1 1/2 to go.  
     I feel incredibly lucky and grateful to have a great support system (My doctor, Heather-My doctor visit driver, note taker & support, Tim-my husband who has set up the house for me to be able to heal, my kids-who are encouraging and helpful to help me stick to my goal, my mom-listens, organizes my medications, finacial, JP-my couch buddy so I am not so lonely being homebound).  Also for Angel Flight who flies me to & from Seattle every 2 months, helping the trip be a little less exhausting!  

1 comment:

  1. Again, you're my inspiration to fight fight fight for what you want!! Love you girl!
