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Thursday, April 7, 2011

One of My Jobs!

This is one  of my weekly jobs, filling my pill containers (Monday-Sunday).  I am conflicted on sharing the details of my job.  One the one hand, the point of this blog is to tell my Lyme story.  On the other hand, I feel like an oddity.  For a long time, I was sick in ways no one around me could understand (myself and doctors included).  
Since being diagnosed with Lyme Disease, I am also working through changing my perspective of going from an unknown plaguing illness to "I know what it is!"

  However, it is still hard to bring to light the details of what I do on a daily basis to heal.  To look at the list of tasks makes me sound ludicrous and a bit excessive.  So let me begin by saying why I do all of these things.       After much research I have come to trust my doctor and this protocol I follow.  However, the main reason for my discipline with research and my daily schedule is I am committed to heal!  I have goals, and dreams and a constant desire to be part of LIVING!  Just being around my husband and kids makes me not want to miss anything!  So with that focus clear in my mind throughout each day I am willing to have my job be "getting well".    

   My full time job is Healing.  It is what I work on throughout each day, everyday.  I am on strict orders from the doctors to take this seriously because so many parts of my body have been on the verge of collapsing.  Blood work is amazingly beautiful in the way it can take pictures of whats going on inside, and thankfully help explain my symptoms.  All of this damage from the spirochetes will take 3-5 years to heal from.  I am still in year one of that process.  At my last doctors appointment, my doctor said “You are small but mighty!  I can’t believe how well you are doing considering how sick you are.  Keep up the good work!”.  The “good work” is my job and consists of  following all of the suggestions my doctor gives me. 
 Here are my Jobs:
-----Between the hours of 9am and 2pm I take pills every hour on the hour.  I take just shy of 100 pills a day at various times during the day.
-----Once a week, I fill my pill containers.  As you can see in the picture I set up the recycle close by so I can toss in empty pill bottles, I also set up piles for different containers I use throughout the day.  Thanks to an organizational guru, my mom, this whole process only takes me about an hour.  Before she helped me set up a system it was much harder and mistakes were more easily made.  Now I have a spreadsheet that has all the pills numbered with information about each pill like how many pills I take, how many times a day I take it, when I take it, and how often to reorder.  Since each medication/supplement is numbered, I just line em’ up and start the refilling!
-----I juice fresh carrot with some combination of (garlic, parsley, celery, beet, cabbage ect) at least 2 times a week.  I reference the book Super Juice for all things juicing, like detailed nutritional information. 
-----I use a infra red sauna 2 times a week.
-----Everyday I go for a walk for anywhere between 3-30 minutes.  It sounds humerus, but how long I walk really depends on how my body is doing on each particular day.  6 months ago I couldn’t walk even 3 houses down.  So I began by walking 2 houses and never pushing myself too much.
-----I cook a double batch of dinner (usually stews/soups) 4 times a week and pack in serving sizes to eat for breakfast and lunches.  Combined with that is meal planning and if I am up for it grocery shopping.  If not my hubby will do the shopping.  He does nearly all the clean up and cooks the other nights.
-----I do a coffee enema 1 time a week (sounds gross and embarrassing but helps and everything I have read has said it is an amazing way to detox. And inexpensive! You should try it!)
-----Detox baths 2+ times a week (2 cups baking soda, 2 cups Epsom salt)
-----Dry brushing 5+ times a week (using a natural Bristol brush                                     -Resting/meditating/napping with mind at rest throughout each day.  Basically, between each activity I do a whole lotta resting.
-Drinking more water than I think I can bear!  I was getting 8-10 of 8oz glasses of water but my blood work kept coming back saying I need to drink more!  So now I am drinking more! Herbal teas 4+ times a week.

I am still trying to figure out the balance of the other areas of my life & my job.  Categorizing it as a job does help me relax into its role in my life. 


  1. Hi Friend,

    Keep up the hard work. You are doing what you need to do to get better. I am actually curious about the coffee enemas now. We'll see...

    Love you!

