I wanted to give an update on my health since I have just come home from my recent dcotor trip appointment, but I now have a cold and am kinda out of it. However, when I was reflecting on these trips I take every other month, I realized I want to share a different aspect. Friends are an integral part of my doctor trips.
There are a few girls who have changed my trips from bring a stressful task to a wonderful part of my healing journey. The times of my flight and doctor appointments change but somehow these few girls will cover all the travel needs.
Heather & I have been close friends since we were 2 years old. She happens to live in the city my doctor is in, she uses her day off to support me during my doctor appointments. It has been wonderful to have another set of ears, she take notes and we discuss afterward. She also will pick me up from Kerensa's (who shows me incredible hospitality by letting me stay at her hip downtown pad & cooking dinner for us!) and Heather will bring me to the airport. Heather & I love the fact that Agua Verde (an organic mexican cafe) is near my doctor so we get to munch on delicious food, while having a beautiful view of the Lake & always get some laughs in. At times my dear friend Kat will get to meet us for lunch which is a double bonus!
Keri will pick me up from the airport (or drop off depending on everyone's schedule's) and then take me somewhere in nature! The trip from the picture, is when she planned a picnic and brought all the foods I could eat, pillows for me to sit on and we relaxed at a beautiful park. On my most recent trip, she drove us to Snoqualmi Falls! We have known each other 20 years and she has been my biggest supporter for years now!
I am realizing that these trips are not only vital for checking in with my doctor but aid in my healing physically by mentally getting supported in working through the negative emotions of dealing with this long term illness: Guilt, anger, mental fatigue, worry, ect. I am beyond grateful!!