My mom picked me up at 6:15 am and dropped me off at 10pm. Long day but so much to be grateful for.
1. My mom is amazing. Easy going. Sweet. Funny. Helpful. A great person to travel with even when given a 1 & 1/2 hr flight delay.
2. I had my new camera with me and got to take quirky pics. Like the window handle in our rental car. I had not seen a manual handle to roll up/down a window in well over a decade. They are really a nuisance! (It was fun to get annoyed by such a trivial thing! Great distraction from the bigger things!)
3. Received some ideas/help on how to deal with some difficult symptoms I've been dealing with. Doctor said no nuts and seeds for awhile but added a protein drink. So that is mixed excitement! Doctor went over my monthly labs and it showed my kidneys and liver working "to perfection", doctor's words! My weekly jobs of detoxing are paying off! Ready to start a new antibiotic that should continue to kill off those buggers!
4. My doctor cares about the whole person and I am always encouraged when seeing her. She will say pearls of wisdom. This time she said, " Illness awakens many gifts!". What an exciting way to look at this time in my life!
Now I am home to the mundane hourly tasks to keep my body going in a healing direction. The biggest struggle this week is trying to figure out what to eat using only beans/legumes, meat (only once a day) and veggies without having to cook every meal. It took me a week to recover from my doctor day so I am behind on freezer meals.
A unexpected beautiful thing happened tonight at dinner. Somehow my kids ended up meal planning for me from my old vegetarian cookbooks. It was so cute, they each were flipping through the cookbooks and then would find a recipe and rattle off questions to see if it pasts the momma's diet requirements! They make it so worth it to push through and aim for more A+ tests!